Friday, January 14, 2011

Reince Priebus!

Get Reince Priebus fever people!  Reince Priebus of the Badger State is the new Chairman of the Republican National Committee!  Mr. Super Lawyer is in the house!  He's on Facebook in a bow tie, so he's like, totally cool and down with the kids!  Go Wisconsin-Whitewater!  Among his quotes, he has said that someone who is: 

"pro-abortion, pro-stimulus, pro-AIG... might not be a Republican."

This Rinse Keebler fella is a laff riot!  Of course, there isn't a soul on earth who's "pro-abortion, pro-stimulus, and pro-AIG," but I quibble.  Oh, did Mr. "anyone who's pro-stimulus might not be a Republican" mention that he's on his law firm's "Stimulus Legislation Team," which seeks to "identify opportunities, prepare appropriate proposals and make targeted contacts to secure [federal] funds?”  So, I guess he's pro-stimulus?  Does that make him pro-abortion and pro-AIG, too?  OMG, Prance Wiener is a Democrat!!! 

Here's a shock, the Republican National Committee has elected an anti-gay ideologue as Chairman!  I'll bet you didn't see that one coming.

Here is Crank Rebus kissing up to Maggie Gallagher and reciting the party line that marriage is a gift from God and must be protected from the gays:  

Farewell Michael Steele.  The bondage clubs of West Hollywood will miss you.

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